About Us...

Hello and welcome! We are Blue Horizon! We’re a moderately lore-strict, semi-RP focused free company. We're formed with the goal of allowing everyone to RP and play whatever and however they see fit.

We’ve been Blue Horizon since 4/15/2016, and many of us have been RPing with each other for longer than that, so we have a fair amount of canon built up, but that doesn’t mean we’re not open to meeting new RP friends. We tend towards a lower-power writing style with a lot of interpersonal interaction and a fairly serious tone, though that doesn’t mean we’re grimdark—we have had an in-character prank war running off and on since before we founded the FC. We just aim for a reasonable level of realism in interaction, whether we’re writing something heavy or something fluffy.

We also welcome non-RPers if you just want to hang out, craft, and run content. We've done old mount farms and we have a static for EX/savage content, and we pretty frequently do roulettes and raids together as well.

Image of Blue Horizon's FC house.

We Offer...

  • A mature, no-pressure, friendly vibe

  • An in-character Free Company, with a general business theme

  • Plenty of ways to get established via RP

  • A medium FC house in Mist, with a killer roof view

  • All ranks can activate buffs—no waiting for an officer to come online

  • LGBTQIA+ all welcome, most of our members are somewhere in the alphabet soup

Join Us!

Are you looking for a more mellow FC with a good dynamic? Do you have a job and a real life, and need a group that gets that? Want to build some long-term RP with a stable group? We’d love to meet you.

Contact Nevivi Nevi or Lenneth Andrew ingame on Balmung server (they're both the FC lead, Nevi), send a message to Nevi#1505 on Discord, check us out on the official Community Finder, or just find us ingame and send in an application.

What We’re Looking For ICly...

  • Low- to mid-powered characters—generally not looking for voidsent, sin eaters, super powerful mages, practically invincible fighters, lore-breaking abilities, vampires, or similar. The Echo is fine, though, and more out-there things are negotiable

  • Businesspeople, craftspeople, any characters who would like to start or move a business

  • Airship pilots and flight crew

  • Conjurers, alchemists, chirurgeons, healers, etc. looking to join a clinic serving the underserved

  • Guildleve adventurers

  • Imperials are fine too! Garlemald-supporting Imperials probably won't be admitted to the Free Company in-character for ongoing FC plot reasons, but out of character is fine

What We’re Looking For OOCly...

  • Players who are at least 18 years of age—our average age is around 30ish

  • Main characters preferred, but we don’t have a required activity level so semi-frequently played alts are fine too

  • Lore-abiding-ish RPers—new RPers and characters accepted too, we don't mind being training wheels! There's a lot to learn if you're just starting out RPing and joining a core group is a simple way to begin

  • Chill personalities, good senses of humor, and open minds

Our Code of Conduct

We don't have any particularly unusual rules or regulations. The ones we do have are to ensure a calm atmosphere, maintain a culture of consent, and to make sure we respect each others' boundaries. Gameplay and RP both can get intense, and having strong, clear guidelines keeps things fun instead of frustrating.

  1. Respect everyone, above all else. We’re a diverse group, with a range of orientations, sexualities, genders, cultures, beliefs, races, backgrounds, and lives. Treat each other with dignity and sensitivity at all times.

  2. Members must be 18+. We're not gonna be responsible for corrupting the youth.

  3. Be friendly. Make an effort to help each other out, whether by doing content together, crafting, or just being pleasant in chat. Contribute positively as best you can to others’ experiences, and do not take actions that would hurt others.

  4. Keep FC chat free of excessive negativity. We understand that sometimes you have a frustrating roulette, and you should feel free to air concerns and talk about whatever's on your mind, but be considerate of everyone else online as well.

  5. Do not be a source of hostility. If you find yourself in a situation you can’t peacefully resolve with another player, bring it before the proper authorities, whether that be FC officers or the GM team, or disengage with that player. Perpetuating fights, harassment, and stalking are all very serious and will be considered grounds for immediate dismissal.

  6. If you need something, feel free to ask! We're pretty much all happy to help.

  7. Remember that you represent all of us ingame, and act accordingly. Being crude in public, behaving poorly in roulettes, or making spammy shouts all reflects the FC even if our name isn’t visible. People can and do look up other players on the Lodestone and find out their Free Company information, and we want to be an FC with a reputation for being friendly and polite.

  8. Chill. Lay back, have fun, and take it easy. In the end, this is a game, and it’s meant to be fun. If something is keeping it from being fun, let an officer know, and we’ll help sort it out.

Roleplay Guidelines

  1. RP consent: Scene-crashing and the like is not tolerated here. There are to be no random Maelstrom searches, bounty hunters, Yellowjacket patrols, or pirate raids except by consent of all parties involved. If you want to RP something like that, that’s fine! Just make sure it’s fine with everyone else too before you get rolling. Joining a scene is obviously cool, as long as you asked first, but being intentionally disruptive or derailing a scene that others would rather finish without the interruption? Not so much.

  2. ERP/18+ RP: Obviously, no adult content with those who are not adults. That goes without saying, but just to be safe, let’s say it. Extreme violence, excessive alcohol, drugs, sexual situations, general mature themes, and otherwise explicit RP should be kept in party, tells, or private chambers. (2a. If you walk into people’s private chambers unannounced, whatever you read is your problem. You should probably OOCly 'knock' before doing that.)

  3. Don’t be a jerk. Unless you’re doing it ICly, and your character is a jerk. That’s okay. Keep IC and OOC conflicts separate, don’t spectate RP if you’re asked not to, don’t spam emotes upstairs if people are RPing downstairs, don't godmod, don't metagame if you know something your character wouldn't…the usual etiquette stuff.

  4. Be aware of and respectful of others’ comfort levels. RPing certain themes can be unnerving to others, so if you’re getting into darker territory and you’re not certain, it’s always a good idea to check with your RP partner(s) and adjust accordingly. Taking a moment to check on others' wellness is never a wrong move.

  5. You can RP as a non-member without the FC present, just let us know what went down in our house. If you break with our shared canon, though, we might not ICly acknowledge your RP later, but that’s alright too. NPCs are placed where they’d be employed ICly, and you’re free to ask them things, place orders, have the clinic maid patch you up, etc.

  6. Have fun! Or else we’ll let Atherton’s unusually aggressive chocobo use you as a chew toy.